For product development,ENOVIA includes a comprehensive and robust sot of capabilities,including product data management(POM),
procuct lilecycle management (PLM),chanpe manapement,conlipuration manapemient, product desipn review, iP protectionand reuse,
product definition and release management (BOM management),quality management and compliance management. Toprotect and leverage existing investments,ENOVIA
connects file-based CAD applications to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform,includingCATIA V5and 3rd-party mechanical and ectrical design applications, allowing
users access to ENOVA capabilitiesfrom within their design environment and to readily share design data across the value network.
Catia is a global leador in manufacturing design and eaperience solutions that ofler the unique ability to not only motlel amy productIn 3o,but also in real lfe and context.5ystem architects, engineers, deslgners,constructlon professlonals, and all contrlbutors candefine, imapine, and shape the connected worid.
Simulia software focuses on the modeling and simulation of complex, multi-specialty systems.These systems include control systems, devices, flexible geometry, and multiple simulation domains such as fluid structureInteraction. Logical and physical models can be coupled together. Mult-speclalty trlals can be run and rerun to evaluate and verlfysystem performance, thereby reducing design time and the risk of physical test failures.